
How to Build Your Real Estate Career in 100 Days

  The first 100 days of any new venture, especially a real estate career, can say a lot about the result. These early days lay the groundwork for what’s to come—and can even predict ultimate success or failure. As a new agent, what you do in the first 100 days will make or break your business. Real estate is the greatest business in the world, but it’s not always easy. The industry can be tough to get a start in, there’s a high turnover rate and it requires an enormous amount of commitment to succeed. If you want to establish a solid foundation for a long-lasting business, you’ll want to get very comfortable with the fundamentals of great business in your first 100 days on the job. Follow these five steps to build a strong foundation  in real estate early on:

1. Establish a Database
Relationships are at the heart of every good business, so you must make building relationships your business. Tap into your sphere of influence to create a database of individuals you know and enjoy working with and then reach out consistently to really connect and strengthen the bonds between you.

2. Implement a Proven Lead Generation System

If you go above and beyond to consistently exceed the expectations of the people in your core database, they will remember who you are and what you do. By proving yourself to this group, they are more likely to promote you within their own circles of influence and send high-quality referrals your way. Adopt a relational approach to real estate lead generation to set the tone for a successful career.

3. Learn to Manage Your Time
Although the freedom that comes with working for yourself is incredible, it can also be extremely challenging. Don’t let being your own boss go to your head. You need a solid schedule and a proven system to leverage your time, money and energy and create a winning mindset.

4. Build a Financial Plan

A solid financal strategy is key if you want to avoid the most common money mistakes. What are you going to do with your first commission check to ensure that you can pay your taxes, yourself and also fund your business? This can’t be left to chance!

5. Understand How to Work With Buyers and Sellers

If you want to really succeed, you have to stand out by serving your clients in such a way that they will be motivated to refer you. If you consistently deliver exceptional customer service when working with buyers and sellers, you will inspire your clients to be megaphones for you in a crowded marketplace.
When it comes to a career in real estate, the first 100 days are absolutely vital. If you don’t have a set structure or system in place, you can quickly lose your way and never gain the momentum you need to advance your career. With the right real estate training, the industry can give you incredible financial and emotional rewards and set you up for huge opportunities in life. İs a real estate training program designed for new agents. This comprehensive, step-by-step program guides you through proven systems to launch a successful real estate career in just 100 days. Sign up today!  


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